S U M M A R Y |
More than two years of hands on experience in Software Development specializing in database management systems. Working on MS Visual Basic and MS SQL Server since January 1997. Have been involved in developing single user and enterprise wide integrated systems based on the client/server architecture. Have the ability to analyze business problems, develop effective solutions and integrate technologies for the business needs of the client. Besides Visual Basic and MS SQL Server also have a good experience of Three-Tier Architecture, Microsoft Transaction Server, Microsoft Message Queuing Server, MS Access, and Microsoft FrontPage. |
E X P E R I E N C E |
PACIFIC LEASING COMPANY LIMITED. (June 1998 to May 1999) Worked as an Officer Operations & MIS in this leasing company, a group company of Nagina Group. Major responsibilities of MIS include developing Management Information System using Visual Basic/SQL Server and MS Access for Corporate & Consumer Lease Finance. This involves analyzing the flow of data, developing databases, establishing relationship among the databases, designing a layout for the change, and finally implementing that change with the consent of concerned management. Major responsibilities of Operations include coordinating with marketing department, evaluating the financials of applicants, ensuring the validity of provided information, dealing with insurance companies, execution of legal documents to finalize the lease contract, assisting Internal Auditor for the final audit of cases, and finalizing the disbursements of leases. |
P R O J E C T S |
The following are my major projects, which are based on Client/Server architecture, and have developed with Visual Basic 6.0, and MS SQL Sever 6.5. |
E D U C A T I O N |
S K I L L S |
Ability to perform administrative and team-oriented jobs efficiently. Capable of handling large projects independently from design to implementation. Fast learning ability to grasp new concepts and technologies. |
A C H I E V E M E N T S |
H O B B I E S |
Hobbies include teaching computer languages and packages, reading for professional enrichment, and listening music. |
P E R S O N A L I N F O R M A T I O N |
Sex : Male |